HONOR, MI 49640


JULY 2, 2019 7 P.M.

2019-2020 FISCAL YEAR




Supervisor Solem called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

Supervisor Solem, Treasurer Gottschalk, Clerk Michalak, Trustees Laman and Wieber were all present.

Public Present: Ron Gottschalk, Dan Haswell, Ruth Hovland, Jim Duntley, Paula Figura, Mike Burguard

Special Guest: County Commissioner Art Jeannot

Clerk Michalak read the minutes from the 4th quarter meeting, held on April 2, 2019. A motion was entertained by Supervisor Solem to accept the minutes as read. A motion was made by Treasurer Gottschalk and supported by Trustee Laman. All ayes, motion carried.

Commissioner Art Jeannot discussed current issues, projects and hiring at the county level. A full copy of his report is at the Township Hall for your review. Supervisor Solem asked about the future of the fiber project taking place along Indian Hill and Fowler Roads. This is a CenturyLink project to improve services to the residents along those roads. Discussion followed regarding internet service to Platte Township.


Ruth Hovland provided a report on the Memorial Day breakfast, stating a smaller attendance than last year. There were $30.00 in donations. Ruth requested that the breakfast start at 10 a.m., with no breakfast being served before that time. Supervisor Solem asked if there would be any objection to this; there was none. The attending veterans were very appreciative of an opportunity to eat during their busy Memorial Day schedule. Ruth Hovland did a beautiful job of decorating and planning.




1. Land Use and Building Permits for the 1st Quarter include:

Bill Keller- Indian Hill 26x42 garage addition

Deb Schimmel- Ely Road, 32x32 pole barn

John Shaffer- Fowler Road, solar array

There was a discussion about the three storage containers that have been placed on Indian Hill. These units will be investigated as to whether or not they are meeting any BUILDING OR HEALTH codes and the issue will be brought to the attention of Jason Barnard, the Platte Township Zoning Administrator. Resident Burgard queried the Board as to the status of the storage buildings being used as seasonal residences on Martin Road.

2. Road Commission Brine- The township roads that were to receive brining,

have had the first application. Supervisor Solem will be meeting with Matt at

Road Commission.

3. MTA Dues- Dues are paid for the current year


1. Ironman Certificate of Insurance- A Certificate of Liability Insurance has been

provided to the township by the race organizers.

2. New Computer Setup- Clerk Michalak reported that the new computer is

working very well. The costs involved with all repairs and replacements, due to

the power surge from Consumers Energy last fall, have been recouped.

3. November 2019 School Election and Budget Adjustment- Clerk Michalak

brought it to our attention that the school is holding another election in the fall

regarding the school millage that failed in May. Clerk Michalak requested that

the annual budget be increased by $1,000.00 to accommodate this added expense.

Clerk Michalak made a motion to increase the budget and it was supported by

Trustee Laman. All ayes, motion carried.

4. The laptop that was provided to the township ten years ago, as part of a

federal grant, is running on a Windows system that is no longer supported. The

laptop is the electronic poll book that allows the township to upload current

voter information, required for each election from the Secretary of State, and

allows the election chairman to record voting information that is reported to the

County on election day. This laptop will be replaced before the presidential

primary to be held in March 2020. Clerk Michalak will obtain replacement

advice from Paula Figura, and price a replacement accordingly.


1. WBJPC- Supervisor Solem stated most everything that was going to be

discussed has been covered in the meeting already. Next WBJPC meeting is

Thursday, July 11th. The meeting will be amending the existing sign ordinance.

Platte Township could opt out of digital electronic signage.

2. Road Commission Resolution- Clerk Michalak shared that the road

commission has received notification that the State is going to attempt to pass a

bill exempting logging companies during frost restrictions, allowing them to

operate year round. Supervisor Solem read a letter from Matt Skeels, the Benzie

County Road Commission Manager. Milk haulers currently have frost law

exemptions. BCRC is not in favor of opening up more exemptions. Resolution

2019-04, a resolution against allowing an exemption for logging trucks, was read

by Clerk Michalak. A motion was made by Trustee Laman and supported by

Clerk Michalak to pass the resolution. Roll call vote. All ayes, motion carried. The local road commission will be joining with the state road commission to

use this resolution in a statewide effort to oppose this bill.

3. Clean Up Day- Supervisor Solem discussed the activity of the day. Fifty

loads, from thirty-nine households were received. Several township residents

worked to make this a big success. A big thank you to all township residents for

helping with all aspects of this township clean-up effort. It was a fun event.

4. Grange Update- The board reviewed the previous attempts to contact

someone at the state level of the grange organization. There has been no success

by anyone in their efforts. No messages have been returned and a certified,

return receipt letter to Chris Johnson, the State Grange Counsel, sent by Clerk

Michalak, has still not been picked up. The contents of the letter was read by

Supervisor Solem. Treasurer Gottschalk will check with our local assessor to see

how the property is being taxed.

BOARD ROUNDTABLE – Items of concern on or off agenda


Clerk Michalak read the Clerk’s Operating Statement for the 1st quarter of the 2019-2020 budget year.

A motion was made by Trustee Laman and supported by Supervisor Solem to approve the Clerk’s Operating Statement. All ayes, motion carried.


Treasurer Gottschalk read the Treasurer’s Operating Statement for the 1st quarter of the 2019-2020 budget year. Supervisor Solem entertained motion to approve statement as presented.

A motion was made by Clerk Michalak and supported by Trustee Laman to accept the Treasurer’s Operating Statement. All ayes, motion carried.


A motion was entertained by Supervisor Solem to approve the bills. A motion was made by Treasurer Gottschalk, with support from Clerk Michalak to approve the bills. All ayes, motion carried.


The cemetery outhouse is shabby and in need of repainting. A tree in the cemetery needs cutting down. Ron Gottschalk will take care of these issues.

Supervisor Solem mentioned evergreen shrubs are dying and should be pulled up.

The locust tree that was cut is in need of further attention, as the trunk has sent out new shoots.

Clerk Michalak passed out a note from the township assessor requesting funds for continuing education.


A motion was entertained by Supervisor Solem to adjourn the meeting. A motion was made by Treasurer Gottschalk and supported by Trustee Laman. All ayes, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

October 1, 2019 is the next regular quarterly meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Molly Franks

Deputy Clerk